by Cheri Arellano | Sep 11, 2023 | Ascension, Energy Healing, Healing, Healing with Crystals, Healing with Essential Oils, Inner Child Work, Meditation, Quantum Psionics, Starseeds, The Crystalline Healing Light
I have loved being in service to you, offering healings, space clearings, and Starseed Readings. Many of my beloved clients who have taken their healing journey to the next level have asked for more ways to work together. And, I have listened!
I am proud to offer two new packages that incorporate all of my offerings into a more complete healing experience. The Enlighten Package is for those who are interested in a more complete healing deep dive.
by Cheri Arellano | Sep 29, 2022 | Ascension, Energy Healing, Healing, Healing with Crystals, Healing with Essential Oils, Inner Child Work, Interviews, Quantum Psionics, Starseeds, The Crystalline Healing Light
Maria Owl interviews Cheri Maria Arellano on the topics of ascension, 4D, 5D, healing, inner child, shadow work, healing with essential oils and more. Don’t miss this wonderful conversation! Visit Maria’s website: To watch...
by Cheri Arellano | May 6, 2022 | Energy Healing, Healing with Crystals, Healing with Essential Oils, House Clearings, Inner Child Work, Quantum Psionics, Starseeds, The Crystalline Healing Light
During our childhood we have good experiences and bad ones, sometimes even traumatic ones. If you’re one of the lucky ones who had excellent, loving and responsible parents, kudos to you, you’ve probably walked through your adult life having many successes. For the rest of us who did not have this experience or who chose to come into a challenging family to speed up our awakening process, kudos to you too for still being here and facing all of the challenges life has thrown your way.
by Cheri Arellano | Sep 26, 2021 | Energy Healing, Healing, Healing with Crystals, Healing with Essential Oils, Inner Child Work, Meditation, Quantum Psionics, Starseeds, The Crystalline Healing Light
Cheri Arellano offers a clearing and healing mediation to the collective and the planet. Lately, there has been more negativity and polarity happening to us and all around us. If you’ve had a rough time lately, you will want to participate in this energetic clearing and mediation. Ashe!
by Cheri Arellano | Aug 24, 2021 | Energy Healing, Healing, Meditation
Call in more abundance, joy, creativity, flow with Cheri & Viviane! Manifest your new projects, dreams & successes. Journey with us during this complimentary, one-hour, guided #meditation & #abundance #activation.