by Cheri Arellano | May 27, 2022 | Communication, Energy Healing, Healing, Inner Child Work
Over the past six months I’ve started to uncover my relationship with my inner child. It feels like I’ve pretty much had her locked away in a closet all these years (and threw away the key). Why? Well, because she often doesn’t feel safe, seen or heard. It was safer to keep her hidden, than to possibly relive any old traumas again.
by Cheri Arellano | May 6, 2022 | Energy Healing, Healing with Crystals, Healing with Essential Oils, House Clearings, Inner Child Work, Quantum Psionics, Starseeds, The Crystalline Healing Light
During our childhood we have good experiences and bad ones, sometimes even traumatic ones. If you’re one of the lucky ones who had excellent, loving and responsible parents, kudos to you, you’ve probably walked through your adult life having many successes. For the rest of us who did not have this experience or who chose to come into a challenging family to speed up our awakening process, kudos to you too for still being here and facing all of the challenges life has thrown your way.
by Cheri Arellano | Oct 21, 2021 | Energy Healing, Meditation, Starseeds
Join Cheri Arellano & Viviane Chauvet as they journey to the heart of Lemuria. Many Starseeds carry soul memories of Lemuria as their first home on Earth. It is a time to deeply heal and reconcile soul aspects of the past to embrace the present as a positive into the future. Let your heart remember the bliss and divine joy of Lemuria.
by Cheri Arellano | Sep 3, 2021 | Energy Healing, House Clearings
Whenever I go to Mount Shasta, I know to stay open to the unexpected, the synchronicities, and the unexplainable. This trip did not disappoint. After a four hour drive up from the Bay Area, I arrived on a Wednesday and checked into the well known Holly House. I was staying with three other women, and I was the first to arrive. After the long drive, I unloaded my bags and took a nap in my bedroom, an upstairs attic. The two downstairs housemates, Carol and Lynne, arrived in the evening, and my upstairs mate and friend Pixie, arrived late that night. We were all there for the Hierarchy of Light Conference, I had a booth there, as did Lynne.
by Cheri Arellano | Aug 24, 2021 | Energy Healing, Healing with Essential Oils
Please join me at the Mt. Shasta Hierarchy of Light Summer Conference on August 26-29, 2021.
There will be lots of great speakers, healers, musicians and more. I will be offering healing sessions at my table along with my healing essential oil elixirs and crystal bracelet diffusers. Hope to see you there!