by Cheri Arellano | Apr 26, 2021 | Energy Healing, Meditation, Starseeds
The pink full moon in Scorpio is all about trusting ourselves, going within and finding our own higher wisdom. The pink associated with the high heart chakra, helps us focus on Self-love, compassion, forgiveness & release of fear. Let’s go within and connect to Christ Consciousness, bliss, enlightenment and breath.
by Cheri Arellano | Mar 25, 2021 | Energy Healing, Healing with Crystals, Healing with Essential Oils, Meditation, Starseeds, The Crystalline Healing Light
Join Cheri and Viviane for a complimentary Divine Full Moon in Libra Meditation on Thursday, March 25th, at 6:00 PM PDT. The full moon in Libra will be one of the most divine and beneficial full moons of 2021!
by Cheri Arellano | Feb 11, 2021 | Energy Healing, Meditation, The Crystalline Healing Light
Join us for our February Energy New Moon Meditation, Divine Design. As we call upon our ancestors and ancient lineages that we are a part of, we transmute and release binding energies that no longer serve.
We become a higher vibrational version of our Self. It is time to disconnect from old paradigm and bridge new one!
by Cheri Arellano | Feb 10, 2021 | Energy Healing, Healing with Crystals, Meditation
✨ I am Protected Meditation ✨
Some days I don’t feel grounded, aligned, nor protected. Some days, I do remember to start with with grounding and protecting myself before I leave my bed. ? What is your morning ritual? Do you have one for protection and grounding?
by Cheri Arellano | Feb 6, 2021 | Energy Healing, Healing with Crystals, Healing with Essential Oils, Interviews, Quantum Psionics, Starseeds, The Crystalline Healing Light
Viviane Chauvet & Jeff Demmers hosts of the Infinite Star Connections Podcast will be interviewing me on 2/14/21, 10:00 am PST. Tune in to watch here: