My Story


Born into chaos, the Summer of Love, 1969.

One of my first baby pics

It was the Summer of Love, 1969, Miami. It was a big year in U.S. history. “The Man” landed on the moon, the Vietnam War was in full force, the hippies of San Francisco were in full swing, and free love was all the rage. Bam! On Summer Solstice, my soul decided to join the party, and I crash-landed into my body into the most dysfunctional home one could imagine. Hello Starseed Mission!

My parents met two years before my birth when my mom answered a help wanted sign at my dad’s small business. She’d walk by his office daily and finally found the courage to apply. My mom, a Nicaraguan immigrant with a 4th-grade education, was one of nine children who fled Managua during the political unrest of the Samoza Regime. My uncle had a career in Nicaraguan politics. He was the first to flee and settle in Miami. Shortly after getting settled, he brought over all of his siblings.

My father’s side of the family also has a complicated history. As a free-spirited WWII veteran of French-German descent, he was the son of an entrepreneur and became one himself. His mother owned a bar when he was just a child, and he would often sneak a nip of booze when no one was looking. After his military service, he opened his own income tax and accounting business, where clients lined up around the block for his financial expertise, and the free beer. The keg my dad kept in his office was a genius business move, as the waiting room couches were always full. It was a real party. Don’t you love the 70’s? This enterprising spirit was passed on to me…minus the spirits…well, with a different quality of spirits. 

Robert Larsh Accounting

Dad in front of his office

My dad was always the life of the party and did all he could to keep it going. After he and my mom married in 1967, they often threw wild get-togethers at our home into the wee hours of the night. I remember being awoken at an ungodly hour and asked to stand at attention while he showed us off to his bar buddies whom he’d just met. My mom got swept up into the scene with him. It was a non-stop rollercoaster ride of alcohol, reveling, and unfortunately, child neglect and physical abuse.

My dad had a son and daughter from a previous marriage, and my mom had a son when they married. I am the only child from both, and it was very lonely at times because my siblings were about a decade older than me and had their own interests. Their main role, in my eyes, was to protect me from the tyrant living with us. Yes, my dad was an abuser and also a narcissist. My mom was the main target of my father’s wrath, but among us siblings, my sister and two brothers got the brunt of it. My dad’s bad behavior would eventually lead to his murder, but more on that later. 

Abandoned at the age of five.

My & my sister Karen

My sister Karen, who was the oldest, helped raise me until I was 5 years old. Afraid and tired of the abuse, she ran away from home to escape my father’s cruel rules of mistreatment and punishment. This was my first abandonment. At that age, I could not fully understand why she had to go, so I am sure it saddened me deeply, and my world was forever changed. She also convinced our brother Michael to leave so they could begin their journey to find their biological mother. I’d already felt lonely as a child; their departure was confusing and deepened my feelings of uncertainty.

In this new chapter of my life, my other brother Marcio became my primary protector and father figure. He and I became very close and suffered through three more years until my dad was murdered by a stranger in the parking lot of a bar. I was only eight years old, and my parents were in the middle of a divorce when he died, so the last year of his life was very dark for us. There was a lot of disharmony, division, manipulation, and abuse. Honestly, I only have a handful of memories of my dad, some good, most not so good.

Shortly after my father’s passing,  my mom remarried. This new man in our lives was emotionally and verbally abusive, but hey, not physically, so that counts for something, right? He was a very sarcastic man. While our quality of life improved over the next eight years, my stepdad’s strict rules, abuse, and cynicism took a toll on my emotional health. I ended up running away at 16 to go live with Marcio, who rented a condo only a few miles away, thankfully.

On the road to self-destruction. My first timeline leap. 

Me at South Point, South Beach

Right after high school, my late 80s summer job at the mall turned into a four-year career as a manager in the fashion industry.  I had a fantastic manager who recognized my ambition and leadership skills. I traveled all over Florida and Northern California, opening new stores and hiring sales teams at each location. After five years in retail management, my soul yearned for more, so I went to college and studied commercial photography. I was very confident and successful and enjoyed my creative freedom.

Fast forward to South Beach in the early 90s. I was a fashion photographer fresh out of college and hanging out with models, agents, and fellow photographers. At the time, I was also working as a photo assistant for a large department store catalog producer. I worked my way up to being a production assistant, which seeded my graphic design career.

Retail clothing manager and fashion Diva. LOL!

For seven years, between my late teens and early twenties, I spent much time dancing the night away until sunrise in some of Miami’s hottest clubs. We’d frequently go straight from dancing under the disco ball to swimming in the ocean as the sun crested the horizon. My main haunts were the Warsaw Night Club, The Paragon, and The Clevelander Hotel. Drinking and dancing at night and sunning by day on Miami beaches that sparkled with crystal clear blue waters. South Beach was fabulous, fun…and dangerous!

Ecstasy had just come onto the scene, and intuitively I knew that it wasn’t for me. Seeing a few friends get hurt from it, I stayed away. More and more, I felt a sense of urgency to leave. I remember driving home one night, thinking how blessed I’d been never to have crossed paths with the police, but I felt that my luck might start to run out. I felt that something unpleasant would happen if I continued with this lifestyle. I knew I had to make a drastic change.

On the path to finding myself, I found my true love.

In 1994, I declared to the Universe my intention to move away from home. My cousin Bridgette from New Jersey had just moved in with us, and as space was running out, I saw that as a sign to move on. When a co-worker who had just moved across the country to Ashland, Oregon, invited me to join him, I leaped at the opportunity!  Within two weeks, my bags were packed, my car was stuffed to the max, and off I went to start my new life! The cultural differences between Miami and Ashland were huge! Imagine me, a young, tan Latina in a town where grunge was all the rage. I found all the hot spots in this small, artsy college town and made friends quickly. This proved to me my powers of manifestation, but I was still somewhat clueless as to what I was capable of. 

Me, just before moving to Oregon.

Finally, at the age of 25, I left the place that had so many dark memories. I felt terrible leaving my mom there, but I knew I needed to escape the darkness, and at the time, she was still drinking alcohol heavily. My mother never drove a car or got a driver’s license. I found myself driving her to work and running her errands. It felt like I became the parent in some weird dysfunctional way. And, as if my childhood traumas were not enough, I also had a lot of negative experiences with my mom in my adult years between the ages of 18 and 25. Everything from coming home to her passed out on the couch to crazy stories of her constantly being hurt in a string of really inauspicious events like car accidents, home invasion burglaries, and getting robbed at gunpoint on our front porch. I was part of that last one, and it was really frightening, to say the least.

Looking back now, I know that my roommate was merely the catalyst for getting me on the West Coast. That Southern Oregon chapter could be a mini-novel, so I will save it for my book. After only a year and a half there, in 1996, I moved to Los Angeles with my boyfriend, and that relationship would end a year later. This was all part of the Divine Plan because, in December of 1997, I met my true love and now husband, Mark.

Cheri & Mark, The early days

Mark answered the call I placed in the local papers for a roommate. I had a 2-bedroom apartment in the San Fernando Valley. Nervously awaiting his arrival, I was on my  front-facing balcony, watering my plants. When I saw him walking from the sidewalk into my apartment building entryway, I heard myself say, “Oh no, who is this angel coming to save me?” For the first 6 months, we’d stay up late talking for hours and hours about all sorts of things. We knew there was a spark between us that could not be put out, and the rest is history. Despite some initial obstacles, he moved into my home, into my life, and into my heart.

Egypt, my first big awakening.

My best friend and I had plans to go to India to attend the Maha Kumbha Mela—the world’s largest spiritual festival. Every 12 years, the great pot in the sky drops sweet nectar from the heavens at the convergence of three rivers. This was the 2001 Mela; the world was different back then, but still sweet in a way. 9/11 was still several months away. My friend backed out of the trip at the last minute, and I went alone. Three weeks later, Mark joined me in Varanasi, at the heart of the Ganges River.

We traveled for four months, exploring the great Motherland, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Egypt. When we weren’t struggling with the utter chaos that India brings, we were absolutely ecstatic. Once in Egypt, we visited Luxor, the Great Pyramids, and all the tombs and museums. We spent almost a week SCUBA diving and living the carefree life of the Bedouins, where we ended our trip in Dahab on the Red Sea. We realized that if we could survive four months together traveling with all the stresses, we could survive anything.

Egypt and India must have awakened some part of our souls because, after that, we flew home, reignited, knowing we belonged together. Mark and I launched Conscious Creative, our eco-design and video agency in the Bay Area. In 2002, Mark and I created San Francisco’s first green-certified creative agency. We provided graphic design and video production services for nonprofits, green businesses, and governmental organizations, like county open spaces and parks. 

The deep healing begins!

Conscious Creative was always like a lighthouse, a beacon for those on their path to waking up and doing something to serve planet Earth and humanity. Despite the joy and abundant creativity these projects brought me, I knew there was something more significant that my soul came here to do, and I started to feel another path light up for me to embark on. Slowly but surely, I began to feel the pull of my Starseed mission. I felt the desire to expand spiritually and connect closer to my Sirian & Pleiadian guides.

In 2009, our sons were born. We had twins, but sadly only one of them decided to incarnate in the physical this time around. The loss of our son Phoenix was devastating. It took me half a decade to get to the point of even being able to talk about it without falling apart. Despite this tremendous loss, we were thankful for our surviving son Lucas, an extraordinary boy. During this time, a lot of spiritual healing took place within my family and me.

In 2017, we were blessed with adopting Ruby, a beautiful baby girl. The catalyst for inner child growth. This is another chapter of our lives that could be a mini-novel, so stay tuned for the book.

A Starseed is born.

Cheri, stepping into the light.

Stepping into the light

2012 was a big activation year for me, like it was for many Starseeds. It was the year I began studying a variety of spiritual modalities under several teachers. I went down many rabbit holes and found myself on a great awakening journey that was sometimes isolating and difficult. My family thought I was nuts, but I could not learn fast enough. I studied everything from Reiki, Kundalini Yoga, meditation, The Emotion Code, EFT, and energy healing to extraterrestrial experiencers, UFOs, implants, multi-dimensionality, and remote viewing. It was all very compelling, to say the least!

I studied with at least eight spiritual teachers in my quest for truth and self-discovery. In discovering more of my own divinity, I am grateful for the lessons I’ve learned from them, good and bad. One of my lessons in this lifetime is to learn discernment from false gurus and deceptive teachers. I had the misfortune of encountering at least three narcissistic teachers on my journey. Placing your vulnerability and trust in a spiritual teacher who is a narcissist or, worse yet, a covert narcissist is one of the biggest heartbreaks I have had to overcome. However, I recognize this as part of my discernment training and understand that it was meant for me to help others better discern and incorporate this vital life lesson too! Mark and I created a web series about this theme in 2012 called, Lovers & Others.

Divine Light Codes to others in places of darkness.

I am a Sirian Starseed with a team of over 13 spirit guides, and Archangel Raphael was assigned to me at birth. Having billions of past lives, I was also a heavenly Warrior Angel who fought in the battle of the fallen angels at the very birth of light and darkness. I’ve also incarnated as a Mermaid Warrior, a General of the Underwater Realms who led our army into battle, just to name a few. When Earth (Gaia) was in danger of losing her light, I volunteered to leave my home planet and come to Earth to be one of the original keepers of the light so that Gaia could thrive.

In my Human Design chart, I learned that I am what is known as ‘The Vessel Of Love,’ which explains my unconditional love for humanity. I am innately nurturing, and my motherly essence creates a safe space for my clients to go through their own awakening process. I imbue all my healing clients with heart-centered frequencies of love and only the most potent Divine Light Codes.

Hidden darkness. Don’t let shame or guilt stop you from loving yourself or your mission.

Humanity’s evolution is an ongoing process, like peeling the layers of an onion. Regardless of where you are on your awakening journey, there is almost always more healing to be done. 

If I had chosen to remain in shame or guilt from my dark childhood experiences, I would have never understood my own evolution as a Starseed and a lightworker. I continue to love myself, even my shadow. Inner-child work is vital to our healing process.

Despite living within the darkest parts of humanity, I have managed to keep hold of my incorruptible innocence. My connection to the Divine. For it is in this connection that I have been able to heal myself and others. Letting go of the blame and shame game is critical to growing and recalling your divine innocence. Remember who you truly are.

It has been a process of deep inner child work and learning how to be vulnerable that has brought me to be able to share these very personal experiences. And from this soul wisdom, I offer my service to every human or Starseed who wishes to uncover their own shadow and begin the healing journey. 

If you can relate to my story–and you’ve read this far–first of all, thank you!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out; I would be honored to work with you on your spiritual healing journey. It is my great privilege to support advanced souls and fellow Starseeds. 

I offer comprehensive soul mentorships and healing programs for those ready to free their soul and raise their frequency. Book a free discovery call with me, or sign up today.

Cheri Maria Arellano

Cheri Maria Arellano

Healer • Alchemist • Starseed

Cheri Arellano is the founder of Divine Light Codes. She is on a mission to share her inner light and assist with humanity’s awakening. She helps her clients clear limiting beliefs, old trauma, and expired soul contracts by offering healings, frequency upgrades, and Starseed readings so they can embody more joy, self-love, and compassion. She works with newly awakened humans and advanced souls from all around the world.


Fabulous session!
Cheri has incredible insight and my session was transformative
Wow! Cheri has incredible insight and my session was transformative 🙌🏻 I felt the shift in my energy right away and am still feeling it over a week later 🙏🏼 I highly recommend Cheri to guide you as she provides valuable information for healing and ascension.
Susan R.
Cheri has incredible insight and my session was transformative
Wow! Cheri has incredible insight and my session was transformative 🙌🏻 I felt the shift in my energy right away and am still feeling it over a week later 🙏🏼 I highly recommend Cheri to guide you as she provides valuable information for healing and ascension.
Fabulous session!
Susan R.
DNA reprogramming
Very powerful DNA reprogramming

The healing process was so gentle, and the harmonization and increased energy were so powerful that over the next few days, I released a lot of negativity and conditioning that no longer served me. Where there was a blockage, it became bright, joyful and creative. I had two more healing sessions with Cheri, ...

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Teodora Y.
Very powerful DNA reprogramming

The healing process was so gentle, and the harmonization and increased energy were so powerful that over the next few days, I released a lot of negativity and conditioning that no longer served me. Where there was a blockage, it became bright, joyful and creative. I had two more healing sessions with Cheri, and with each session, my sense of inner light and connection with the higher powers increased dramatically. Thank you, Cheri, for working with me and helping me on my spiritual and personal journey!

DNA reprogramming
Teodora Y.
Amazing session, will be back for more!
Amazing session, will be back for more!
The experience was great, Cheri is amazing and I was able to feel a lot of energy both during and after our call. Excited to get more healing and learn more about what it means to stay spiritually in tune!
Keohn A.
Amazing session, will be back for more!
The experience was great, Cheri is amazing and I was able to feel a lot of energy both during and after our call. Excited to get more healing and learn more about what it means to stay spiritually in tune!
Amazing session, will be back for more!
Keohn A.
10/10 Would Recommend!
10/10 Would Recommend!

This reading was amazing. I found so much clarity and it was very healing for my energy. I felt lighter after and my intentions have become clearer. Definitely looking forward to meeting with Cheri again, she made me feel very comfortable and she has very genuine vibe. So excited to learn and experience more with ...

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Keeara C.
10/10 Would Recommend!

This reading was amazing. I found so much clarity and it was very healing for my energy. I felt lighter after and my intentions have become clearer. Definitely looking forward to meeting with Cheri again, she made me feel very comfortable and she has very genuine vibe. So excited to learn and experience more with these readings!

10/10 Would Recommend!
Keeara C.
Wonderful Healing Session
Wonderful Healing Session
I had a wonderful healing session with Cheri. Cheri is a good listener and wrote a recap after our session. She took me through a meditation journey and helped me to connect with my higher self & spiritual team.
Sheryl E.
Wonderful Healing Session
I had a wonderful healing session with Cheri. Cheri is a good listener and wrote a recap after our session. She took me through a meditation journey and helped me to connect with my higher self & spiritual team.
Wonderful Healing Session
Sheryl E.
The energy clearing work was thorough
The energy clearing work was thorough
It was so great to meet Cheri, a fellow healer, who was both friendly and professional in the session at our house! The energy-clearing work was thorough —I felt she really took her time! Since then, I have felt more settled in our relatively new home, and the energy...
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Joanna H.
The energy clearing work was thorough
It was so great to meet Cheri, a fellow healer, who was both friendly and professional in the session at our house! The energy-clearing work was thorough—I felt she really took her time! Since then, I have felt more settled in our relatively new home, and the energy really does feel balanced and clear!
The energy clearing work was thorough
Joanna H.



Fabulous session!
Cheri has incredible insight and my session was transformative
Wow! Cheri has incredible insight and my session was transformative 🙌🏻 I felt the shift in my energy right away and am still feeling it over a week later 🙏🏼 I highly recommend Cheri to guide you as she provides...
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Susan R.
Cheri has incredible insight and my session was transformative
Wow! Cheri has incredible insight and my session was transformative 🙌🏻 I felt the shift in my energy right away and am still feeling it over a week later 🙏🏼 I highly recommend Cheri to guide you as she provides valuable information for healing and ascension.
Fabulous session!
Susan R.
DNA reprogramming
Very powerful DNA reprogramming

The healing process was so gentle, and the harmonization and increased energy were so powerful that over the next few days, I released a lot of negativity and conditioning that no longer served me. Where there was a blockage, it became bright, joyful ...

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Teodora Y.
Very powerful DNA reprogramming

The healing process was so gentle, and the harmonization and increased energy were so powerful that over the next few days, I released a lot of negativity and conditioning that no longer served me. Where there was a blockage, it became bright, joyful and creative. I had two more healing sessions with Cheri, and with each session, my sense of inner light and connection with the higher powers increased dramatically. Thank you, Cheri, for working with me and helping me on my spiritual and personal journey!

DNA reprogramming
Teodora Y.
Amazing session, will be back for more!
Amazing session, will be back for more!
The experience was great, Cheri is amazing and I was able to feel a lot of energy both during and after our call. Excited to get more healing and learn more about what it means to stay spiritually in tune!
Keohn A.
Amazing session, will be back for more!
The experience was great, Cheri is amazing and I was able to feel a lot of energy both during and after our call. Excited to get more healing and learn more about what it means to stay spiritually in tune!
Amazing session, will be back for more!
Keohn A.
10/10 Would Recommend!
10/10 Would Recommend!

This reading was amazing. I found so much clarity and it was very healing for my energy. I felt lighter after and my intentions have become clearer. Definitely looking forward to meeting with Cheri again, she made me feel very comfortable and she has very ...

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Keeara C.
10/10 Would Recommend!

This reading was amazing. I found so much clarity and it was very healing for my energy. I felt lighter after and my intentions have become clearer. Definitely looking forward to meeting with Cheri again, she made me feel very comfortable and she has very genuine vibe. So excited to learn and experience more with these readings!

10/10 Would Recommend!
Keeara C.
Wonderful Healing Session
Wonderful Healing Session
I had a wonderful healing session with Cheri. Cheri is a good listener and wrote a recap after our session. She took me through a meditation journey and helped me to connect with my higher self & spiritual team.
Sheryl E.
Wonderful Healing Session
I had a wonderful healing session with Cheri. Cheri is a good listener and wrote a recap after our session. She took me through a meditation journey and helped me to connect with my higher self & spiritual team.
Wonderful Healing Session
Sheryl E.
The energy clearing work was thorough
The energy clearing work was thorough
It was so great to meet Cheri, a fellow healer, who was both friendly and professional in the session at our house! The energy-clearing work was thorough —I felt she really took her time! Since then, I have felt more...
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Joanna H.
The energy clearing work was thorough
It was so great to meet Cheri, a fellow healer, who was both friendly and professional in the session at our house! The energy-clearing work was thorough—I felt she really took her time! Since then, I have felt more settled in our relatively new home, and the energy really does feel balanced and clear!
The energy clearing work was thorough
Joanna H.
I was full of positive light
I was full of positive light
Cheri gave me a healing and cleared some energy out of my home. She is full of love and divine light. I was full of positive light coming out of the session. Thank you, Cheri!!
Mary P.
I was full of positive light
Cheri gave me a healing and cleared some energy out of my home. She is full of love and divine light. I was full of positive light coming out of the session. Thank you, Cheri!!
I was full of positive light
Mary P.
Crystalline Healing Light
Magical Crystalline Healing Light Energies

"The crystalline healing light session was wonderful. It felt like someone very kind, caring, and loving took me in their arms and gently lifted me into a higher dimension."

Teodora Y.
Magical Crystalline Healing Light Energies

"The crystalline healing light session was wonderful. It felt like someone very kind, caring, and loving took me in their arms and gently lifted me into a higher dimension."

Crystalline Healing Light
Teodora Y.
Crystalline Healing Light works wonders!
Crystalline Healing Light works wonders!
Not your average healing session —this was incredibly relaxing and effective, even though we met remotely. Cheri is safe and trustworthy, essential to creating the best atmosphere for healing. The session was easier than meditation, and the results were...
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Lynn T.
Crystalline Healing Light works wonders!
Not your average healing session—this was incredibly relaxing and effective, even though we met remotely. Cheri is safe and trustworthy, essential to creating the best atmosphere for healing. The session was easier than meditation, and the results were amazing—I have finally been able to stop a pattern of self-sabotage that had held me back from achieving many goals in my life & career.
Crystalline Healing Light works wonders!
Lynn T.
Positive experience and results!
Positive experience and results!
I had a Quantum Psionics Energy Healing session with Cheri. She fostered feelings of safety and calmness throughout the session. Cheri rated my frequency in many areas before and after the healing. Some of the areas included physical, mental, emotional, limiting beliefs, self-worth, and ...
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Colleen B.
Positive experience and results!
I had a Quantum Psionics Energy Healing session with Cheri. She fostered feelings of safety and calmness throughout the session. Cheri rated my frequency in many areas before and after the healing. Some of the areas included physical, mental, emotional, limiting beliefs, self-worth, and joy. The ratings afterward were almost unanimously 100% except for a couple in the upper-90s. During the healing, I felt light energy moving in and through my body. Afterward, I felt lighter and had an increased sense of well-being. I am very grateful to Cheri for a unique and thoroughly enjoyable healing session. I highly recommend her as a healer.
Positive experience and results!
Colleen B.
I am amazed at how much lighter I feel!
I am amazed at how much lighter I feel!
“After a single energy-clearing session with Cheri, I am amazed at how much lighter I feel, both energetically and emotionally. I have been dealing with trauma and negative energy cords and Cheri helped to clear them....
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Victoria W.
I am amazed at how much lighter I feel!
“After a single energy-clearing session with Cheri, I am amazed at how much lighter I feel, both energetically and emotionally. I have been dealing with trauma and negative energy cords and Cheri helped to clear them. I also got one of her delicious crystal oils which both me and my son can’t stop using. She is also making me a beautiful bracelet to remind me to think positively and send more love out into the universe. Book a session today — you won’t regret it.”
I am amazed at how much lighter I feel!
Victoria W.
Amazing Quantum Psionics Healing
Amazing Quantum Psionics Healing Session

The moment Cheri's website popped up on my YouTube suggestions, I immediately knew intuitively that she was the right energy healer for me and could help me take the next step on my soul path. During the quantum psionics ...

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Teodora Y.
Amazing Quantum Psionics Healing Session

The moment Cheri's website popped up on my YouTube suggestions, I immediately knew intuitively that she was the right energy healer for me and could help me take the next step on my soul path. During the quantum psionics session, Cheri was very kind, friendly and conveyed a very comfortable and peaceful atmosphere, allowing me to completely relax and become receptive to the healing vibrations. By establishing a divine connection with her and my spirit guides, the best healing tools were chosen to heal my body and soul and help me fulfill my mission and purpose. After the session, I felt like I was bathed in love and light. Thank you again, Cheri, for this wonderful experience!

Amazing Quantum Psionics Healing
Teodora Y.
So grateful!
So grateful. Thank you!

"I trusted Cheri to assist me in my personal healing journey with her 3 session healing. We have completed session 1 with 2 more to go and WOAH!! Cheri really gets to know and connect with you. She focuses on YOU and...

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Rachel R.
So grateful. Thank you!

"I trusted Cheri to assist me in my personal healing journey with her 3 session healing. We have completed session 1 with 2 more to go and WOAH!! Cheri really gets to know and connect with you. She focuses on YOU and the areas you need/want to work on setting the intention together. She listens and then the magic happens. ✨ Cheri’s trustworthy, caring, and kind in a world where we all need to really heal. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." ✨🫶🏼🤍

So grateful!
Rachel R.
I’m in awe of the transformation
I’m in awe of the transformation
I’ve known Cheri for about a year now. I’ve purchased several bracelets and oils and have been honored to call Cheri a friend/SiStar in this lifetime and I am beyond grateful for this. In the year I’ve never allowed any healing...
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Rachel R.
I’m in awe of the transformation
I’ve known Cheri for about a year now. I’ve purchased several bracelets and oils and have been honored to call Cheri a friend/SiStar in this lifetime and I am beyond grateful for this. In the year I’ve never allowed any healing sessions from her or anybody. Never have. Trust issues and more. A year later, I’ve built trust in her and purchased a three-session healing with her. We are one session in, and I’m in awe of the transformation just one session has made in my life. I look forward to sessions 2 & 3. Gratitude, so much love, a ton of appreciation, and honor for your presence on this planet because you truly ARE assisting in the betterment of humanity one person at a time. 🤍🙏🏽✨🫶🏼
I’m in awe of the transformation
Rachel R.
Grateful, Thankful and Blessed!
Grateful, Thankful and Blessed!
Cheri's insight and gentle reminder of who I am and why I am here will be with me on this next part of my journey. She is open and easy to talk with, authentic and kind. I would absolutely recommend a healing session with ...
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Anna M.
Grateful, Thankful and Blessed!
Cheri's insight and gentle reminder of who I am and why I am here will be with me on this next part of my journey. She is open and easy to talk with, authentic and kind. I would absolutely recommend a healing session with Cheri!
Grateful, Thankful and Blessed!
Anna M.
Cheri helped me find my light!
10/10 Experience!

Cheri helped me find my light! I was in a dark place until Cheri helped open my eyes to things I knew were unseen. She's amazing!

Joseph P.
10/10 Experience!

Cheri helped me find my light! I was in a dark place until Cheri helped open my eyes to things I knew were unseen. She's amazing!

Cheri helped me find my light!
Joseph P.
Say yes to your soul mission
Say yes to your soul mission and step into your new world!

I had my first Crystalline Healing Light session with Cheri a few days ago and requested to work on clearing, sealing and healing. My experience was difficult to put into words right after coming out...

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Denisa M.
Say yes to your soul mission and step into your new world!

I had my first Crystalline Healing Light session with Cheri a few days ago and requested to work on clearing, sealing and healing. My experience was difficult to put into words right after coming out of the meditation. I didn’t think I needed to tell Cheri, because I thought she already knew, and she was spot on, on so many things!!! Cheri is incredibly gifted, and the way she crafts different modalities together is masterful! She used her psychic abilities with such laser-like precision while translating it into the exact phrasing I needed to hear! My experience was deeply moving and transformative, and she brought in so many practical tools which I can actually use, to answer a lot of questions on how to proceed forward on several things! I had my healing session on a Wednesday and followed it up the next day with a complimentary meditation that she co-hosted on the full moon. The results were astonishing!!! Several of my relationships that have been stuck in these old patterns shifted drastically and immediately! I was honestly shocked and amazed at what was happening, and so were the people around me! We looked at each other and kept asking: “What is happening?!?” 😊 Three days after such a powerful clearing and healing, I feel this acceptance of exactly where I’m at, because I can look back and see why all the things that have happened occurred, as this was the path I needed to take in order to learn what I needed to in order to proceed. Releasing all these resentments and pain, no matter how big or small, has cleared out all this space, and has allowed me to shift emotionally into this higher frequency where I can now accept love from the whole universe, and am beginning to see all the gifts that have been encoded into my DNA and my divine blueprint. It’s kind of funny because I knew this somewhere in the back of my mind, but it appears I wasn’t ready to accept and open it until I cleared and healed. I’ve done all the internal work and processing for several years, but it’s as if I was not ready to make the shift into this new awareness and higher vibration until Cheri guided me through this clearing, healing and sealing, moving me into this new alignment. My experience is: “Say YES to your soul mission, clear out the old stuff, and step into your New World!” I would highly recommend doing a session with Cheri. Accepting help is a sign of strength and courage. 😊 Thank you, Cheri, I am so deeply grateful for your assistance, and the incredible gifts you share with our community. In Light, Denisa M.

Say yes to your soul mission
Denisa M.
So thankful for this validation
So thankful for this validation
Immediately after this session, what I discovered seem not so real but as the day goes and I was researching each origin - things started to click in the jigsaw puzzle of my life. I now get a clue who am I and ...
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Mary B.
So thankful for this validation
Immediately after this session, what I discovered seem not so real but as the day goes and I was researching each origin - things started to click in the jigsaw puzzle of my life. I now get a clue who am I and where I came from, why I was like this at this certain point in my life and so on. My life's mission is clear after getting confirmation from this reading. There is really much more to this life than what we can plainly see with our limited 3d eyes. I'm so thankful for this reading.
So thankful for this validation
Mary B.
Eye Opening Starseed Reading!
Eye Opening Starseed Reading!
The information you shared with me during my reading was eye-opening. I was amazed at the Starseed relationships I have, and after reviewing the session and doing some research, I think it makes more sense than what I had been previously told. In addition, ...
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Linda H.
Eye Opening Starseed Reading!
The information you shared with me during my reading was eye-opening. I was amazed at the Starseed relationships I have, and after reviewing the session and doing some research, I think it makes more sense than what I had been previously told. In addition, the information you gave me on my archangels is particularly interesting, especially because there is more information about them available online, and I can relate to what I am learning. Your reading opened up a world of possibilities for me, and I am grateful for you and all you do. Blessings to you, my friend.
Eye Opening Starseed Reading!
Linda H.
I highly recommend Cheri
I highly recommend Cheri
I wanted to share the amazing sessions I’ve received from Cheri. Being a Reiki Master myself, I was quite impressed with the energy I felt during my sessions with Cheri, lots of tingling vibrations, all very positive. I had Cheri...
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Suzanne E.
I highly recommend Cheri
I wanted to share the amazing sessions I’ve received from Cheri. Being a Reiki Master myself, I was quite impressed with the energy I felt during my sessions with Cheri, lots of tingling vibrations, all very positive. I had Cheri do a house clearing for me after experiencing several months of dry heaves, which for me is an indication of negative energy. Other people in the house could also feel it as well. Since the house clearing, which a couple of weeks ago, I’ve had no more dry heaves. I’m very pleased with the results and everyone in the house noticed a positive change. I would highly recommend Cheri’s services.
I highly recommend Cheri
Suzanne E.
She is absolutely a genuine healer
She is absolutely a genuine healer
I discovered I was holding an old contract with someone that no longer applied in this lifetime. Cheri worked quickly to break old ties and bring peace to the situation. She is absolutely a genuine healer.
Holly Marie
She is absolutely a genuine healer
I discovered I was holding an old contract with someone that no longer applied in this lifetime. Cheri worked quickly to break old ties and bring peace to the situation. She is absolutely a genuine healer.
She is absolutely a genuine healer
Holly Marie
Cheri is an extremely talented and powerful healer
Cheri is an extremely talented and powerful healer
Cheri is an extremely talented and powerful healer. I went to her on multiple occasions when I knew I had deep emotional and energetic wounds to work on. I could feel the energy shifting in my body the moment Cheri ...
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Justin R.
Cheri is an extremely talented and powerful healer
Cheri is an extremely talented and powerful healer. I went to her on multiple occasions when I knew I had deep emotional and energetic wounds to work on. I could feel the energy shifting in my body the moment Cheri began her work and throughout our session. I even had visions of her drawing light down into my body. Afterward, I could tell that my perspective was completely different. I was a new person. I was impressed with every part of my experience, and I'll be back for more!
Cheri is an extremely talented and powerful healer
Justin R.

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LET'S CHAT! Are you curious about receiving energy healing or wondering about your Soul Origination? In this complimentary, 20-minute discovery call, let's talk about where you're at on your awakening path, how you'd like to grow, and how I can help you along the way.

Cheri on the beach with "Starseeds Welcome" message.